
16Rock is an affiliate of 16th Amendment Advisors LLC (“16th Amendment”), an SEC Registered Investment Advisor based in New York. 16th AA claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) ®. Under the leadership of its founding members, Jed McCarthy and John Lee, 16th Amendment manages the Five Star(2) rated Vicksburg Municipal Fund, as well as manages separate accounts for high-net-worth investors.

16th Amendment and James Pruskowski formed 16Rock Asset Management LLC seeking to build an industry leading asset management firm specializing in municipal bonds. Building on James’ decades of experience, 16Rock leverages the trading capabilities of 16th Amendment in an effort to provide innovative managed account solutions, transition management services, and alternative investments.

(1) The Company has been independently verified for the periods June 2009 to December 2023. The verification report is available upon request. To obtain GIPS-Compliant performance information for the firm’s strategies and products, please contact us at [email protected]GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

(2) Source: Morningstar Direct, a division of Morningstar, as of March 31, 2023. The 5 Star rating places Vicksburg in the top 10% of similar municipal separate account strategies based on risk adjusted returns.


16rock Asset Management